Access Keys:

St Malachy’s Primary School 74 Ballymoyer Road, Whitecross

Sports Day Presentations and Awards

25th Jun 2021

Longest Jump Winners!
Longest Jump Winners!
Fr. Roger's Cup- Aoife
Fr. Roger's Cup- Aoife
John-Joe Toner Cup- Dáithí
John-Joe Toner Cup- Dáithí
Helper Award- Farragh
Helper Award- Farragh
Contribution to School Award- Tommy
Contribution to School Award- Tommy
‘Pupil of the Year' Awards!
‘Pupil of the Year' Awards!
100% Attendance Awards!
100% Attendance Awards!
Fantastic Attendance Awards!
Fantastic Attendance Awards!
Sack Race Winners!
Sack Race Winners!
Sprint Winners!
Sprint Winners!
Hoopla Winners!
Hoopla Winners!
Longest Kink Winners!
Longest Kink Winners!
Longest Throw Winners!
Longest Throw Winners!
Longest Puck Winners!
Longest Puck Winners!
500m Winners!
500m Winners!
Three-Legged Race Winners!
Three-Legged Race Winners!
Potato and Spoon Race Winners!
Potato and Spoon Race Winners!