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2017/2018 School Year
22nd May 2018
As part of our 'Recycling, Reusing & Reducing' topic this term, we made wormeries...
21st May 2018
Primary 1 & 2 had a great time dressing up for Armagh Day, showing off their...
21st May 2018
Our pupils enjoyed listening to guest speaker Camilla, who gave us a talk about...
21st May 2018
Congratulations to recent winners of 'Pupil of the Week' certificates!
20th May 2018
Check out our up and coming football stars!
18th May 2018
Please see attached flyer from Clady Tiny Tots. Thank you.
18th May 2018
P.4 enjoyed the opportunity to wear their smart suits and beautiful dresses to mass...
15th May 2018
A big thank you to everyone who participated in our Annual Tidy Schools Initiative...
15th May 2018
Sophie is a P4 pupil in St Malachy’s PS. She won the Fr Roger’s Cup...
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- Fr Rogers Cup
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- Miss Bannon
- Mrs Loye
- Online Safety
- P 7 - Mr Toner
- P5 & 6 Mrs Marron
- Preventative Curriculum and Pupil Well Being
- Pupil of the Week
- Pupil Voice
- Pupil Voice / Council
- Shared Education
- UICT and Digital Skills
St Malachy's Primary School
74 Ballymoyer Road, Whitecross, Co Armagh. BT60 2LA
Telephone: 028 37507428 | Email: jtoner775@c2kni.net